
Fine dining is a lot like Mixology- Everyone can claim the title but not many can actually measure up to it. There are only a couple of places that I’ve been privileged enough to work at, that actually carry that title deservingly. It takes a lot of hard work and dedication to have and successfully run a Fine Dining restaurant, and some places no matter how much they like to pretend that they’re of that caliber, just don’t quite make the cut. These series elaborate on everything a Fine Dining restaurant is and every impostor isn’t:

Chapter 1 – Importance of Immaculate Cleanliness

It’s not just clean on the surface; it’s actually clean; in the front of the house where everyone’s uniforms are noticeably washed and ironed, just as much as in the back of the house where everything is where and how it should be. The kitchen is pristine, and you can tell because they’re all wearing white and there isn’t a spot of sauce in sight. The prep stations are clean; there’s no debris anywhere. Even the dishwashing area is neat because everyone respects one another enough to scrape leftovers off their plates into the garbage before neatly stacking similar plates together instead of just dumping everything into one single pile and moving on to further stand around, being useless. The bar is scrubbed every night; not just wiped with a semi dirty towel; if that, leaving sticky syrup residue and crumbs all over the place. The management of a truly Fine Dining restaurant will not allow for anything short of perfection as far as cleanliness goes. The management of an Impostor however couldn’t care less if the place is clean or not as long as it looks semi decent to the naked eye.


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