
I come up to strangers and I get all up close and personal in their ear lobes and I’m just like ‘Meow’; all creepy and shit. I ‘Meow’ all the time. Most people find it annoying; some find it mildly amusing. Whatever the case may be, I can honestly say that every passing day I give fewer fucks toward the ‘What People Think of Me” debacle. It’s my party and I’ll ‘Meow’ if I want to!

Before you start thinking this article is about cats, let me assure you – it isn’t. It’s actually about women.

Cats are fascinating creatures. They’re cute in their yellow-eyed, fur-ball creature sort of way. They’re also needy and annoying.  They are as self-sufficient as they are dependent on your love and affection. They want it all, they want it now, and they want it forever until they want to be left alone. They are the epitome of that, which is the womankind, and you can fight it all you want but it’s the truth.


Women are fascinating creatures. They’re cute with their captivating whatever-color eyed selves. They’re groomed in the sense that they’re purposely shaved-below-the-knee sort of creatures. They’re also needy and annoying. They want to know where you are and what you’re thinking about (more importantly if you’re thinking about them) and yet, they are as self-sufficient as they are dependent on your love and affection. They want it all, they want it now, and they want it forever until they decide that they want to be left alone. Are you catching my drift here?

I Meow away on the daily as I desperately try to not fit into the modern society of being lady-like and sophisticated and whatnot. I ‘Meow’ because I reserve the right to be nonchalant while remaining bossy, regardless of what I’m feeling at the moment. I ‘Meow’ because I can; I ‘Meow’ because I’m a woman. ‘Meow’ almost implies an ease of sorts that only comes with one that is so comfortable with one’s self that one doesn’t give a flying poop-filled balloon if they’re misjudged for a certain noise that comes out of their face.

How many times have you snorted in front of someone while laughing without being ashamed of it?

How many times have you snored in front of someone without the aftermath of feeling embarrassed?

How many times have you farted in front of someone, being able to write it off as a natural act instead of an embarrassing one?

Granted, farts don’t come out of your mouth but you get my point.

Meow if you’re  a Cat-woman that doesn’t give a fuck.


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