
You guys remember that one time that we had a big bad virus amongst us? The unknown one, that there’s no known cure for, the one that came from China but we can’t call it Chinese cause that would be racist? Come on, you know the one… They kept saying it was super deadly and dangerous; they even shut down the country because of it? You have to know what I’m talking about!

Remember? Gyms, Restaurants, Hair & Nail Salons got shut down along with a bunch of other “non-essential” small businesses… You couldn’t hold a funeral for your loved ones because that would mean that you had to have a “public gathering”… REMEMBER???

Omg. Okay.
Remember how the Governor of California was all like ‘You guys, I know you don’t wanna hear this but we can’t be having major celebrations this Fourth of July. We just can’t. As a nation, we have to come together, and NOT have social gatherings exceeding immediate (alive) members of your family; and we definitely can’t have any fireworks.’

You can’t tell me you don’t remember.

Okay. What about Pelosi? Do you remember the Speaker of The House, wearing a mask around her neck, preaching about “The Science”? She was all like “social distancing” and “protect one another” – it’s your duty as an American. Y’all remember that? Y’all remember when she went to a salon to get her hair done, and she was neither wearing a mask nor practicing social distancing? Y’all remember how she claimed she was set up? Remember how she said she was owed an apology from her *local* Hair Salon for claiming they could accommodate *one person at a time* but then decided to put her on blast instead?


Remember when The Democrats spewed garbage in your face and you ate it up like it was the most delicious meal ever? Remember how you were used and abused and you loved it because you have daddy issues and you just don’t know any different? Awe. I feel for you.



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