
The Democratic Party (the Government side, not the common folk) to me is equivalent to “The Cool Kids” from high school. They’re popular. You wanna be them and if you can’t be them, you wanna be near them. Then time passes. You graduate. You learn things and stuffs about life and such. And you’re like holy shit… Democrats ain’t shit! The nerds (The Republican Party) is where it’s at! This whole time I’ve been blind but my eyes are open now; thank you Jesus for my newfound wisdom. I’m sorry it took me so long to get here but I’m finally HERE. Feels great. 

Of course it doesn’t always go down like that. Let’s say we have three scenarios for how it would actually go down. There’s best case, worst case, and somewhere in the middle. The scenario described above is somewhere in the middle, though on the luckier side of things. It’s definitely not your best, but it is a better case scenario, for sure… At least you’re taking responsibility for the stupidity of your younger self. 

Best case scenario would be if you were never stupid enough to fall for their scam to begin with, and you knew all along that nerds were the prime rib of the meat market. You did your homework, had a small, close group of friends, didn’t try to fit in with the plastics, got good grades, etc. You graduated with flying colors and married a badass; had a bunch of babies; still married, cause true love and stuff. Ya know, the works. 

Then there’s worst case scenario. You married Kenny, the HS quarterback, who’s now fat and more than likely balding. He became a cop; not because he loves justice, but because he loves telling people what to do and nobody would listen to him after high school, so that seemed like a good fix. We don’t like Kenny. He lied about his vasectomy and you now have four kids with the dude. He drinks cheap whiskey and chases it with White Claws. Oh and did I mention he beats you and the kids? That’s right. Surprise surprise, Kenny’s got a heavy hand and temper issues, so you’re stuck in pretty much this Hell that you’ve created for yourself, because you wanted to sit at the cool table.

Oh but wait. I bet you didn’t think there was a worse than the worst case scenario, but alas here it comes. I’d like to introduce you to Limbo. You see, with the aforementioned scenarios, you at least sorta kinda know where you stand. In Limbo, you’re just LOST. 

High school no more. You’re in the real world. You’re just out here, enjoying freedom, following the law, being a semi-productive member of society; you’re getting by. All of a sudden this guy pops up, and “informs” you that you’re doing it all wrong.

He’s all like… You’re beautiful, but they think you’re ugly. You’re worthy. But they think you’re worthless. You should stand up for yourself. “Who’s they?” – you mutter…

Shhh shh, don’t ask any questions, just listen. They’re trying to bring you down! You need to fight!

So you’re like oh fuck, this is Kenny the quarterback, from high school, telling me all these things. I didn’t think he even knew I existed! But now he’s talking to me, he must love me. I obviously need to listen.

So you sink your teeth into that feeling and just… Fall. You blindly fall. You don’t even stop for a second to think about your amazing group of friends from chess club that fucking adore you, or your lab partner that so obviously has a crush on you cause you’re the shit; no, you’re focused on this “truth” you just found out about yourself, that apparently the whole world thinks you’re below par as far as basic human rights go, and you need to fight.

“You’re not free” Kenny tells you. You’re oppressed! You’re a victim of society! Did you have issues growing up? (no shit, who didn’t) Well! Someone should pay you for your troubles! You’re like but wait…

Shhh Shhh be quiet, don’t fight it, embrace it, get in on it! You shouldn’t have to work to make a living. That’s for suckers and losers! Just take it. The real winners in life just TAKE IT. It’s yours to begin with. Just take it…

So now you’re sitting there with your mouth open, drooling; like, yes please, feed me more, this garbage is delicious. I don’t need to be a valuable member of society. I’m not stealing, I’m taking what’s MINE. I’m not mindlessly destroying property, I’m retaliating. I’m fighting the prejudice against the minorities. It’s for a good cause. I’m not being a stupid asshole, you are! I’m not brainwashed, you are! I’m not racist, you are! Whatever you say – I’m not even listening – I’m just flipping it right back around. I’m doing it like we did it in kindergarten; I know you are, but what am I? 

Congratulations. You’re just another one of Kenny’s VICTIMS.

Kenny IS the Democratic party. Kenny IS the bad cop. Kenny is the bad SEED. Kenny is manipulative and suave… And you? You’re weak. That’s why you’re stuck in Limbo; the absolute worst case scenario. Guess what? No matter how evil Kenny is, you’re not allowed to blame him for, well, anything. He’s just a factor; a tester of your resilience, thrown into your timeline for you to do with what you will. You have the choice to stay in a “safe space” with Kenny hugging you from behind and sniffing your hair; you also have the choice to #walkaway. Because guess what else? Kenny isn’t after justice. Kenny isn’t after your well being. Kenny doesn’t give a shit about you. He’s gonna drop you the moment he gets what he really wants; the votes.

Liberals are not evil. They’re just weak minded and easily manipulated.
It’s high school. You were just a bet. 


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