
Why you never change venues? Do you even laundry? Why ya’ll so predictable though? Time out, do you have to cater to all audiences? Is that why you covered the female lead with 5 guys, male lead with 5 girls and a gay Asian dude with 5 vastly different dudes, all in the first three episodes? 
Don’t get me wrong, it was interesting to watch. Especially so, since I’ve been dabbling in the dating life myself (again) recently… 

1. LUKE – Okay, you’ve got the cute thing going for you. What else you got? You don’t seem shy, although you do go with the flow quite a bit. I’m happy to see you picked the weirdest one of the bunch; I thought you might, and I commend you for it. Those other chicks weren’t good for you. Glorifying the act of smacking your lips while eating? Initiating a kiss on a first date? That’s so not marriage material.

2. GURKI – Girl, why you so salty? Is it because your name sounds like a version of a pickle? You seemed so cool at first, acknowledging the fact that your marriage failed partially due to the fact that you were a shitty wife and all. Then you had to go and get all offended and defensive with the only guy that seemed real enough to call you out on your shit? Boo. And then you go and not pick anyone for a second date? My my, what a plot twist. You’re such an independent woman, you’re shopping by yourself in New York; you don’t need no man. Your difficult, high maintenance personality is definitely not the reason you’re alone.

3. GASIAN – This was by far the most entertaining episode. Between the facial expressions and the overly expressive, flamboyant if you will, dialogue, I couldn’t stop laughing. Like Omg I totally want to raise kids in the future, but my dating life is non existent, contrary to my hook-up life which is very happening, so whether or not there’ll be a second date, let’s be “friends”. Gasians, am I right? There was actually only two Gasians in the episode; I only keep mentioning that term because they must have used it at least three times in the show. Like okay, we get it, you’re gay and you’re Asian – you don’t need your own category; you’re not that special.

4. OLDIE BUT A GOODIE – I was gonna stop at the third episode, because I figured, short of lesbians, I’ve seen it all; then Netflix busts out with old people and I’m like whaaaat I love watching old people – bring it on! Oh Leonard, thank you for making my smile hurt and my eyeballs water. Best episode hands down. “I liked them, and then I loved them, and then I liked them. They’re still alive, I didn’t kill any” – if that’s not the most sincere, funniest outlook on life and love from a mature woman, I don’t know what is. 

Whether I’ll watch more episodes or not is still in question. Speaking of questions… Can one even say things like “I haven’t been on a blind date in forever” when you’re literally saying it 5 times to 5 different people in a matter of what seems like not even days apart? ‘The date’ always take place at the same restaurant, same table; same time of day even. The lead of each story wears the same exact thing, every time, even though it’s supposedly a brand new date. I totally get why they did that; easier to switch between conversations and keep the flow going. She asks a question, he answers; he asks her a question, and boom, another girl answers. It’s fun to watch I guess, but I’m too much of a critical thinker to let such an annoying detail slide. Other than that, I give the show three and a half stars. The content made up for the execution; mostly thanks to the oldies of course. 

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